Not Likely: It is very unlikely to be a presenting symptom of HIV and it wouldn't be from her if she was tested a few weeks ago. You would of had to have had it for probably a few years already. It is never too soon to get an HIV test. Go get yours today and use condoms if you are so worried about STD's.
Answered 2/1/2017
Too soon to test: A negative result this soon after potential exposure to HIV would not rule out infection. If this is the only exposure you are concerned about, you may wait 6 months to get a HIV nucleic acid test. In the interim, practice safe sex.
Answered 2/1/2017
Not likely: If your girlfriend has been tested and does not have HIV, and you have no other possible sources, it is not HIV. It takes weeks for the HIV blood test to show a new infection. If you were tested now, it would only show what you had before this new contact. People who think they were exposed to HIV in health care test at 6 weeks and 6 months.
Answered 2/1/2017
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