A member asked:

Started a lighter then normal period on day i always get period, took a test was negative, 6th month of birth control, is this normal or pregnancy?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Light Period: The main reason for light periods is change in hormone levels. Causes for what seems to be a light period can include: thyroid problems, eating disorders, excessive exercise, initial periods for a girl, use of an intrauterine device, oral contraceptives, perimenopause & implantation bleeding in early pregnancy which rarely occurs. Take home pregnancy test if uncertain.

Answered 10/9/2015



Likely normal: if you have been on OCP and has not missed a lot of pills. Menstrual bleeding and the negative pregnancy test would mean that you are not pregnant. If you have more spotting or missed periods, then take another pregnancy test.

Answered 10/8/2015



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