A member asked:

I haven't had sex but i have white bumps on my labia (inner flap of my vagina). they don't hurt or cause irritation and they look like pimples?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Most likely normal: Most likely this is due to excessive moisture with inclusion cyst formation. Nevertheless i would discuss with your gynecologist.

Answered 3/22/2020


Dr. Amy Miller answered

Specializes in family Medicine

Pimples on labia: It sounds like the bumps might be sebaceous glands. This skin is mucosal and needs lot of moisture, so it tends to have more oil glands. The skin here is generally smooth too, so the glands are seen more readily than they would be on keratinized (regular) skin. If they start to cause discomfort or other problems, have your doctor check them out just to be sure.

Answered 1/19/2020



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