A member asked:

What causes testicular cancer?

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. George Klauber answered

Specializes in Pediatric Urology

Abnormal cells: Abnormal cells in testis multiply and become tumors. They are relatively uncommon tumors. But all men should prectice scrotal self examination on a regular basis (say x1/month), ideally in the shower. Seek medical help if you feel a hard lump, or one testicle starts to grow much larger than ihe other one. Intraabdominal undescended testes are at cancer risk even after correction. Prognosis is good.

Answered 5/11/2013



Not known: We do not have a clear understanding of what causes testicular cancer. We do know that, in general, it is a disease of younger men (generally age 30 or less).

Answered 9/4/2013


Dr. answered

Testicular cancer: The highest rate of testicular cancer occurs in white men in northern Europe. some genetic or environmental factor may be involved.Undescended testicles (testes), HIV or AIDS ,Klinefelter's syndrome increases the risk. Infertile men with an abnormal sperm count have a slight increased risk.

Answered 10/20/2016



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