A member asked:

Is it true precum is infertile and the only way it can carry sperm is from a ptevious ejaculation?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Not at all : Not true at all. Preejaculatory fluid, precum, has on average 4 million sperm. It only takes one to fertilize an egg.

Answered 10/6/2015



Sperm: The clear sticky fluid seen prior to climax and ejaculation has its origin in the urethra and unlike semen, does not have sperm cells deposited directly into it. It can and often does however contain residual spermatozoa harbored in the urethra. Don't assume this fluid can't result in pregnancy.

Answered 10/6/2015



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