Yes, : Yes, a tubal ligation can be reversed. But at age 47 years old you are not likely to have viable eggs in your ovaries. The chances of natural conception and carrying a pregnancy to term at this age would be so low, that i don't know why you would consider this surgery. Mother nature only designed us to bear children until a certain age.
Answered 10/3/2016
Yes : Yes the surgery is called a tubo-tubal reanastamosis or reconnection. It is a microsurgery and is often done with robotic assistance in order to minimze risks and trauma to the sensitive tubes. Its success can range as high as 70-80% or more in studies. As noted in the other answer, there are other issues to take into consideration. While miracles occur daily, the success rate for pregnancy at 47 (even with ifv with your own eggs) is around one percent. Donor eggs of course completely change the picture but do not require a tubal reversal, only ivf. If you have fertility potential documented at this age, ivf is your best bet. In general if someone offers to do your reversal it will likely be cash out of your pocket, $5-15 thousand that they would be stealing from you (insurance does not usually cover reversals). Be wary. Sorry for any depressing news. Just trying to keep it real! let me know if we can guide you further and have a blessed day.
Answered 3/22/2020
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