A member asked:

Sex with expired condom on after took it off fngered her touched penis condom did not break sex was for 5min tops major risk of stds ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Possibly: Condoms aren't 100%. You can get genital warts and herpes on all the skin in your groin. Its best to see your doctor for a full history and exam and consider the tests that would be appropriate for you. Good luck

Answered 10/28/2014


Dr. Cynthia Archer answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Not as high risk as: You would have been without the condom. In fact the only risky behavior you describe is digital penetration followed by touching your own genitalia (presumably without washing first). If you develop any new symptoms you should visit a doctor to be tested. Also, if you know your sex partner you could discuss her sexual history (although it's best to discuss this before hand). Good luck!

Answered 10/28/2014



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