A member asked:

There is a small painless smooth bump about 2 cm from my clitoris, on my labia minor. it looks kind of like a pimple. could this be an std?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Cyst: This could be Bartholin's cyst, and requires evaluation by gynecologist for culture and treatment. May try Sitz baths twice-three times a day for 3 days to promote healing and provide comfort. But definitely see gyn if no improvement.

Answered 10/23/2020


Dr. Stephen Southard answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Odd are: It is likely related to a clog gland or hair follicle or cyst but without examining the lesion it's difficult to say. Reassuringly most STDs don't cause painless bumps though syphilis can cause a painless ulcer. If you are that worried seek an evaluation with your doctor. But if the lesion is external consider placing warm packs to the area in the meanwhile to see if the lesion will drain.

Answered 6/29/2019



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