A member asked:

I have been tested positive for chlamydia i have not cheated on my boyfriend of 2 years and he swears he's been faithful could the test be wrong?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Robert Killian answered

Specializes in General Practice

Chlamydia: No. It is highly unlikely the test is wrong. There are commonly false negatives, but not false positives. if you did not have a STD test when you entered this relationship, then you may never know the answer as to when you got infected. But you both definitely need treatment. Even if his test is negative!!! One has chlamydia until they are adequately treated. It can be in you or him or both of you

Answered 5/7/2018


Dr. Elizabeth Wallen answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Well..: Unless you have a previous negative test to rely on, there is no way to know when you were infected. It is often asymptomatic. The infection was acquired in one of these ways. 1) you got it from a previous or another current partner (which you say you don't have) 2) he got it from a previous or another current partner (which he says he doesn't have) You both need treatment. If doubts, retest.

Answered 8/23/2018



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