A member asked:

Why do i have a red, itchy rash with no bumps along my jawline and neck? i have sensitive skin. just started taking gildess fe 5 days ago.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Dry skin,shaving?: With sensitive skin consider shaving as primary trigger. Soap water and skin trauma from shaving likely suspects. Moisturize regularly with unscented products, use non-soap cleansers and shaving products should help.

Answered 3/28/2014


Dr. John Chiu answered

Stop Gildess: If you suspect gildess, stopping it for a couple of week would be a prudent approach but there are also other probabilities. If the problem persists and not helped with Hydrocortisone cream, consider seeing a dermatologist.

Answered 6/25/2014



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