A member asked:

I have little red bumps on my uncercimsized penis, how so i cure it? they don't hurt but today if hurt to go pee after masterbating

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See answer: Little red bumps on the head (glans) of an uncircumcised penis are most often due to a candida fungal yeast infection (balanitis) best treated with an otc antifungal cream (e.g. Clotrimazole) applied twice daily along with keeping penis clean and dry. Sometimes prescription cream or pill (fluconazole) may be needed. There are other causes of balanitis as well: bacterial, irritants, std, dermatitis.

Answered 7/2/2014


Dr. George Klauber answered

Specializes in Pediatric Urology

2 different things: Pearly penile papules are a ring of tiny bumps around penis within groove just under penile glans. They are normal ; do not require treatment. Your penis or urethra may be sore from vigorous masturbation. Should settle down if you postpone resuming masturbation. Persistent burning sensation could be from a UTI ; would require getting urine tested. U don't mention sex ; thus std unlikely.

Answered 7/2/2014



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