A member asked:

Had blood work done and would love to know what the following means. mpv 9.5 wbc 9.65 rdw 15.4 anisocytosis 1+a ovalocytes 2+a co2 23.

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Looks good!: There are more values that come along with blood work and you really need to look at all of them and it also really depends as to why the blood work is being ordered but overall nothing there looks concerning.

Answered 2/15/2016


Dr. Craig MacArthur answered

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology

No worries: Mpv is mean platelet volume. Not of much use unless platelets are low. Wbc is white blood count (9.65 normal). Rdw is statistical indication of variation in red blood cell size (15.4 slightly high, hence anisocytosis). Ovalocytes are oval red blood cells. Co2 is carbon dioxide (23 normal). None of these results are concerning with respect to your health.

Answered 10/1/2013



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