A member asked:

What is the latest ivf with own eggs will be done? i don't want donor eggs

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It varies...: It varies according to each ivf program's cutoff age. Many programs stop using a woman's own eggs at 43, as pregnancy success after 43 is extremely low. Some programs, though, individualize treatments and allow a woman to try well into her 40's. Find an open-minded board certified re who will work with you (or you can come here.)!

Answered 7/5/2012



IVF/PGD: As you get older, you have fewer normal eggs and the success with ivf may be lower. Still, there is a fair chance for success if you can retrieve and create normal embryos. Typically, more embryos may be transferred to improve the chance for success. However, pgs (preimplantation genetic screening) may allow you to identify and transfer normal embryos. This will increase chance for delivering.

Answered 6/26/2014



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