A member asked:

I sliced the top of my finger today and urgent fixed it for methey tested my movement too. i started typing without that finger now my forearm aches?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. James Gagne answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

It'll be sore: You probably don't want to do too much with that hand until the pain dies down. Should take 2-3 days. If you keep using it, it probably won't injure you, but you sure will be sore. The more pain you have, the further it travels.

Answered 7/7/2015


Dr. Bradford Romans answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

U strained the : Muscles in ur forearm by the altered mechanics of typing without the injured finger.More work and strain of the other 3 fingers which are moved by the muscles in the forearm.

Answered 9/16/2013



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