A member asked:

Can a very large subserosal uterine fibroid cause dvt?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Peder Horner answered

Specializes in Interventional Radiology

Unlikely, but...: That scenario would be very unusual, but if the fibroid happened to be very large and push on a deep pelvic vein (iliac), it could cause stagnant flow within the vein. Stagnant venous flow is a risk factor for dvt. Diagnosis would be via ultrasound with doppler and/or ct of the pelvis with contrast.

Answered 10/31/2017


Dr. John Eidt answered

Specializes in Vascular Surgery

Yes: A large uterine fibroid can compress an iliac vein and cause dvt. It is fairly unusual, but certainly possible.

Answered 6/2/2017



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