Muscle aches: Most commonly muscle aches and pains. Severe and rare cases can get breakdown of the muscle. Also liver injury can occur but is reversible. Great medication though if needed to lower cholesterol.
Answered 10/24/2017
Muscle and liver: The most important side effects involve problems with liver or muscle. Muscle pain, weakness and inflammation may occur. Liver dysfunction could also be caused by lipitor (atorvastatin). The drug could also interact with other medications so discuss all these with your doctor or pharmacist.
Answered 10/31/2017
Multiple: Major side effects; art gravitas, myalgias, abnormal liver function tests, muscle breakdown , diabetes , memory deficit ect.
Answered 10/29/2013
Liver, muscles: the most common problem with Lipitor (atorvastatin) is muscle pain, which sometimes is so invalidating that requires to change the medication. Rarely also could give liver failure, although severe at times. Rarely, other organs can be affected too. More commonly, GI symptoms (nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach) could happen.
Answered 10/17/2017
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