A member asked:

Heart rate 67bpm, i feel flutters in my chest near heart, every few minutes for hours at night. i also feel flutters in my abdomen at times too. ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Palpitations: The flutters that you feel are what are known as palpitations. There are certain tests that your doctor can do to determine what is causing the problem. First, you should eliminate any caffeine from your diet. Second, avoid dehydration. Third, do not take decongestants like sudafed. Fourth, sleep deprivation should be avoided. Fifth, emotional stress should be minimized. Also, see your doc!

Answered 4/19/2016



Heart monitor helps : If your hr is only 67 and you feel flutters, they could be pvcs or anxiety. Heart monitor will help determine if there is any arrythmias or not, if none seen might reassure you.

Answered 3/30/2016



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