A member asked:

I had lower back pain fracture which cured. i would like to lift weight due to flubby upper arms. which is the best weight to buy?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Exercise/ back pain: The safest answer would be for you to use machine weights to minimize stress on your back. Tricep pulldowns and cable curls would achieve your goals.

Answered 9/29/2016


Dr. Ihab Ibrahim answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Bicycle movements: For your arms. You can do them with a machine, you can do them with free weights. You can do them without any weights, just closing your fist and moving them like you are peddling a bicycle with your hands. Move from isometric contractions to a slow peddling motion, while contracting flexors and extensors. But be careful. This is very stressful on your heart and muscles.

Answered 1/26/2014



See below: You can do them with a machine, you can do them with free weights. You can do them without any weights, just closing your fist and moving them like you are peddling a bicycle with your hands.

Answered 9/13/2013



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