A member asked:

I have excruciating pain in my right hand. it's swollen, i can't straighten my fingers and the pain shoots up my arm. it only started last night.?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Gregory Hines answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Be seen: You need to be seen immediately. If you cannot move your fingers, it could be something serious like compartment syndrome.

Answered 3/21/2012



Seek Medical Attenti: This sounds like an infection which is very serious. Waiting to treat this can ruin your finger's tendons and you will not have a free moving hand ever again! if there is terrible pain with any finger motion you must have you hand flexor tendon sheath checked for pus usinf a needle or scalpel. If your e r doctor does not offer this, ask to see the orthopedic surgeon on call. This is serious.

Answered 8/31/2012



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