A member asked:

I was overwelmed at work and have been feeling dizzy and had muscle tension. the er sent me home with lorazapam. is it a good medication for stress and lack of sleep?

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Robert Killian answered

Specializes in General Practice

Sedative: Do you feel like you need a sedative? Lorazepam is a benzodiazepine and is a sedative. It is highly addictive. It is absolutely fine for a very infrequent use, but is not fine for daily use. If this is a long term problem it would best that you did not go to the er but went to your family doctor and got medicine to prevent anxiety rather than just a sedative. Always start with family doctor firs.

Answered 9/14/2014


Dr. Neal Kraus answered

Specializes in Hospital-based practice

Short term: It's reasonable short term, but it is addictive. You should begin concurrent treatment with someone to provide a non pharmaceutical treatment avenue as well. Don't stay on the Lorazepam if you can help it.

Answered 6/27/2014



Stress tx: Ativan is a benzo. Approved for tx. Of anxiety, short term insomnia, status epilepticus, or chemo related nausea. No mention of your weight but lowest starting dose for anxiety is 0.5mg every 6hr as needed as tolerance can develop. Should not operate machinery/drive as dui can result from even rx. Medications that are controlled taken as ordered. Consider talking to pcp to try low dose buspar (buspirone).

Answered 3/15/2016



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