No relationship : Between alcohol & mitral valve regurgitation.
Answered 9/13/2013
Doubt it: Alcohol won't exacerbate the leakage. What it can do when used excessively is to weaken your heart muscle and then that can weaken your mitral valve.
Answered 4/9/2018
Cardiomyopathy: Alcohol is not likely to directly effect a endocarditis damaged valve. However, heavy alcohol usage can cause alcoholic cardiomyopathy. This toxic effect injures the heart muscle, diminishes the muscle function, and dilates the heart. Dilation of the heart causes valves to leak. "echocardiogram may show enlarged heart chambers, leaking valves, and reduced pumping efficiency" http://goo.Gl/po8vcu.
Answered 8/23/2019
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4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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