A member asked:

Lump near jaw behind ear at times it is swollen having a burning feeling in neck upper chest and across upper back. parts of body itchy.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Well: The lump could be a swollen lymph node which could mean an infection present you should get checked out immediately!

Answered 9/29/2013


Dr. Zahid Niazi answered

Specializes in Cosmetic Surgery

Lump, burning pain: Painful lump behind ear is typically an infection either in a local cyst or an inflamed node secondary to infection in the head& neck area. Painless lumps can sometimes be more sinister if hard and associated with a sore inside the mouth, neck area. Burning pain in neck, back, chest area maybe associated with nerves. Itchiness? See your pcp for a full assessment and get referred to specialists.

Answered 9/9/2013



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