Possible additive: Not sure but it sounds like there may be additive and that you have lactose intolerance.
Answered 9/28/2016
Ground beef: Unfortunately has a lot of additives and fillers and chemicals, try organic ground beef from a reputable sourse.
Answered 9/9/2013
Bacterial: Ground beef is often contaminated particularly with e coli. It is generally better to get ground beef from fresh meat instead of something prepared at the processor.
Answered 2/28/2016
Meat allergy: About 10% of milk allergic patients also have beef allergy. Also, there is described severe reactions to meat in patients who had a tick bite from the lone star tick. This is due to alpha-gal allergy. To read more, go to my blog at: http://www.Familyallergyasthmacare.Com/2013/08/meat-anaphylaxis/.
Answered 11/22/2013
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