Prevention/ablation: Best to stop headaches are triptan, if taken in first 90 minutes. Ergotamines or Cambia will be useful perhaps later in course. Maybe most successful is to prevent events and topirimate, depakote, calcium channel blockers, and otc agents such as riboflavin, co-q10 or butterbur can be considered.
Answered 8/17/2015
Ergots or triptans: Ergots or triptans are best for breaking migraine headaches once they start. Have you been diagnosed formally with migraines? Seven days is a long time and if you have multiple migraines a month, you may need preventative treatments which could include some types of blood pressure medication which can help, botulinum injections, antidepressants or antiepiletpics that have been shown to prevent.
Answered 4/13/2016
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