Scabies Treatment: First of all I have to ask you, have you been diagnosed by a phycisian if you have scabies and secondly did the doctor advised you how touse permethrine cream.I f you have medically diagnosed scabies and you have been using the permethrine cream properly then chances with two treatments are that scabies has been cured.The itching symptoms can persist for a while and need to be treated with anti itc.
Answered 7/31/2018
What treatment: Using the 1% cream we use to treat head lice will not kill scabies. The 5% cream will kill it & some docs use 2 treatments a week apart to get all the bugs. The intense itching and rash is actually a skin allergy to the poop the bug leaves in its burrows. This rash can last for 6 weeks or so after all the bugs are dead.
Answered 1/28/2018
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