A member asked:

15 yr old girl with diagnosis pdd&ocd has developed seperation anxiety from me, mom, . what can help her over come this it is affecting school attendence?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Swati Avashia answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

See a therapist: You probably need the help of a therapist to get through this. You can try a transitional object, something soothing from home that she can take to school.

Answered 2/15/2015



As above : Multiple mh symptoms, she needs to see a mental health professional for evaluation and treatment ( med and psycho therapy ).

Answered 10/4/2016


Dr. Carlos Barrios answered

Specializes in Child Psychiatry

IEP: Request an IEP INwriting from school to mark this as disabling her. It's not forever and will keep her out any truancy status. Seek CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) therapist who specializes in children-this is the most recognized and validated type of therapy for anxiety. Take care

Answered 6/20/2015



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