A member asked:

Told i should stop eating peanuts/peanut butter while pregnant to avoid nut allergy in baby, what about almond butter and other nuts. are they ok?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes: I recently read a couple of studies and there's no evidence to date to show that women should avoid peanuts in pregnancy. Peanuts, almonds, these are all great sources of fat, folate (folic acid) and protein in pregnancy. Sadly, there is a rise of peanut allergies in our country. But mom's ingestion of peanuts while baby in utero isn't one of the reasons. Pb&j.... Away!

Answered 5/29/2015


Dr. John Chiu answered

No clear evidence: There is no clear evidence that food avoidance during pregnancy reduces the incidence of food allergy in the baby.

Answered 5/29/2015



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