A member asked:

What symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia are the most important?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Fainting: The symptoms of cardiac arrhythmias can be anything from none to palpitations (the most common) to fainting to sudden collapse and death. If fainting (syncope) is the result of a heart rhythm problem, this is potentially very serious, as the next event might be even worse.

Answered 8/26/2016



Dizziness chest pain: Cardiac arrhythmias may occur without symptoms, however they usually occur with palpitations, this is not considered an important symptom by most. When arrhythmias cause other symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness or passing out episodes, the issue becomes a bit more pressing and work up and resolution of the arrhythmia more important.

Answered 8/15/2018



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