A member asked:

My husband has extreme halatosis even though he brushes and gargles and floss three thmes a day even when he talks its bad what could be going on?

8 doctors weighed in across 5 answers
Dr. Douglas Fronzaglia ii, do, ms answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - Geriatrics

Diet: If dental/oral hygiene is good then diet is the next most common cause of bad breath. First things to eliminate from the diet is all garlic, onions and peppers. It will take about 3 days for these substances to be cleared from the body.

Answered 2/22/2013



Sinus?: I assume that his dentist has said he has no dental problems. Usually a foul breath as you describe can be caused by an infected sinus. Other causes can be tonsils, or stomach issues. First rule out teeth and gums, then sinus, and then move onto the less likely causes.

Answered 10/3/2016



Periodontal Disease: He can allso use use of a tongue cleaner. The use of an antimicrobial mouthrinse may also help. I recommend smart mouth advanced mouthrinse. Make sure periodontal disease is not the underlying cause.

Answered 10/24/2017


Dr. Jack Binder answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Could be...: Could be a dental problem like decay, oral infection, or gum disease. Could be due to what he eats. In any case, he should see a dentist for a definitive answer.

Answered 11/24/2013


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Med & dental causes: Problems with bad breath can be related to oral hygiene (i.e., caries, periodontal disease, insufficient saliva) or due to general medical problems such as sinusitis, gastric reflux, diabetes etc. Smoking is a major cause of ad breath. Smoking is a major cause alsorecommend starting with a dental evaluation. If that doesn’t turn up the cause – then recommend eval by your physician. Take care.

Answered 9/26/2017



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