A member asked:

Bitten by non-lyme tick 8 mos ago (tick was tested). itchy rash over legs, arms, buttocks, weight loss and night sweats. what could be the cause? thx

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

Many possibilities: Besides lyme, ticks can transmit many other infections including babesia, bartonella, ehrlichina, rickettsia and other types of borrelia. The tick testing negative for lyme does not rule out other infections. But your symptoms could be unrelated to the bite too! see a doc knowledgeable in tick-borne illness. Consider seeing a doc for general evaluation too, ideally a holistic doc.

Answered 9/11/2020



Not due to tick bite: Rashes occurring this far removed from the tick bite are not going to be related to it. Have your doctor evaluate the problem.

Answered 12/11/2018



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