A member asked:

Had a nasty cold for ~ a week. congestion worked itself to 1 ear. lots of pressure and muffled hearing. prone to sinus infections. ear infection? doc?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Perhaps: Would need an examination to know the extent of involvement, but ear infections and sinus infections can both be initiated by congestion occluding the sites from which drainage of these anatomic structures occurs. Fluid in a cavity from which drainage cannot occur creates a prime mechanism for infection.

Answered 2/17/2016


Dr. Girish Kalva answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Surgery may not help: I am a doctor who suffered for years with sinus infections.do the following: 1.Avoid anything cold. 2.no soda. 3.I use Sovereign Silver spray when I feel like I am getting another attack.its safe and natural.u won't get it in Mexico :( 4.I use VICKS topically as much as I can. 5.I use a humidifier at night 6.I drink lots of water. Good L

Answered 11/15/2020



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