Sun protection: Sun exposure can cause skin cancer, but this happens over many years of exposure. It is important to have good sun protection at all times. However, for severe sunburns, it does take time to heal from the exposure. Please see your doctor if these spots do not clear up in 2weeks as he or she may have some recommendations for helping your skin heal.
Answered 11/28/2017
Not acutely: Severe sun burns over a prolonged period will increase your risk is skin cancer but are not likely to do this from one acute episode especially within the first few days after the burn. However this should not be interpreted to proceed without caution. Tan responsibly using appropriate precautions to minimize burns or excessive exposure, .
Answered 11/28/2017
Probably not Skin Ca: You can develop hyperpigmentation ( dark spots) after sun burns. Best to protect you skin with a quality sun block to prevent this from happening. However, any spot should be checked out by a qualified doctor used to dealing with skin cancers either a dermatologist or experienced primary care doctor.
Answered 6/26/2017
Normal response: As injured skin heals, the body creates inflammation to do so which means fresh blood goes to the area and with it, many kinds of healing factors and cells. One type is called melanocytes which carry our skin pigment melanin. A healing occurs, these cells get deposited in the area and give it the brownish coloration you see. Over time, there will be some fading as the injury matures.
Answered 1/5/2019
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