A member asked:

Normal pelvic exam lower back pain and urine frequency could you have ovarian cancer?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Ihab Ibrahim answered

Specializes in Pain Management

You could: But you urinary tract infection, bladder infection comes to mind first.

Answered 7/3/2013


Dr. Kris Gast answered

Back pain&ovarianCA: Ovarian ca is the silent ca. It is hard to diagnosis and it can be easily confused with other problems. Symptoms are bloating, pelvic and back pain, frequent urination, difficulty eating, weight loss , which have been present for at least 6-12 months. The most common cause of frequency and back pain is a bladder infection...But pleas see your doctor and get checked out for both.

Answered 1/10/2017



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