Unexpected hair loss: Hair loss is natural, but excessive loss may mean several things--1) some drugs & medical conditions will make your hair follicles synchronize so the actual number of hairs lost over time is unchanged--they just all come out at the same time; 2) many metabolic diseases & some drugs manifest with temporary or permanent hair loss; 3) genetically, some are programmed for unavoidable baldness with age.
Answered 6/23/2020
Depends on reason: Hair loss can be caused by many things: underlying illness, infection, metabolic or hormonal changes, poor nutrition, physical damage, medications (like chemotherapy). Hair loss can be distressing, but it can be an indication of something else going on. Your doctor will suggest treatment (if appropriate or possible). Some people are genetically programmed for unavoidable hair loss.
Answered 10/3/2016
Try vitamins: Alopecia, is the medical term for hair loss. It can be caused by lots of factors. Some medications have hair loss as a common side-effect. I have had some success with having patients take the supplements-zinc-low dose less than 25 mgs per day and selenium at a dose of 100 mcgs per day. First, check with your doctor.
Answered 2/17/2013
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