A member asked:

Can you please give me a technical description of small bowel obstruction?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See below: A bowel obstruction is a terminology to describe an intestinal blockage. There can be small intestinal blockage or large intestinal blockage. There are a variety of causes of intestinal blockage such as adhesions or scar from past surgery, large bowel tumors, and several other causes. An intestinal blockage can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and inability to eat. Medical treatment or surgery....

Answered 10/19/2016



Blocked intestine: Your "gut" is a hollow tube from your mouth, to esophagus, to stomach, to small intestine, to large intestine (colon), to rectum, and out your anus. The small intestine is 15-20 feet long, and can become blocked because of kinking or twisting from scar tissue, tumors, growths, cancers, get stuck folded inside a hernia, or pressed on from outside = "small bowel obstruction". Can require surgery.

Answered 8/24/2016



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