A member asked:

I am having chest discomfort and palpitations. i am extremely scared of this. is this is common in mvp patients ? anything to worry.

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Milton Alvis, jr answered

Specializes in Preventive Medicine

MVP often Fad Dx: No one has ever come up with any explanation why mvp (nearly always only a judgement call looking at mitral valve motion in echo images) would or should create pain or other symptoms. Instead, mvp DX offers a way for doc to tell patient nothing serious wrong while seeming to provide an "explanation" (typically bogus) for the symptoms. Mvp DX rare before 2d echo & given to young, slender people.

Answered 6/10/2014


Dr. Creighton Wright answered

Specializes in surgery

Yes: Discuss status and degree of prolapse and leakage with your pcp or cardiologist. Many folks have this condition and no symptoms, and a long life-- you need your facts and planning to allow your best life! and anxiety control.

Answered 6/26/2013



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