A member asked:

What are hypercoaguability and bleeding disorders?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Liawaty Ho answered

Specializes in Hematology and Oncology

Opposite condition: Hypercoagulability is condition where you are having problem with "a thick blood" - blood clots- that your body for some reason unable to prevent your body from making clot. Bleeding disorder- is condition where your blood is " too thin" -thus you bleed significantly even in the setting of no exposure or a little trauma for instance.

Answered 6/26/2013



Clotting vs Bleeding: Hypercoaguability means the blood is more prone to clotting than usual. Some people develop deep venous thrombosis (DVT) or other blood clots, and when they are tested, they have positive results for one or more tests, so-called thrombophilia testing, that are more common in people with multiple blood clots. The opposite problem is a bleeding disorder, which implies the blood doesn't clot well.

Answered 6/10/2014



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