Yes, some: Breast cancer does have some hereditary tendencies. So you should be alert and watchful yet not worry too much about it. The precautions should include breast self examination/ awareness for any change in size, shape and get to know the normal feel. A breast examination by your doctor once yearly is a good idea. Once you get past 40 years of age, an annual mammographic examination is advised.
Answered 8/7/2013
Be aware: Family history is important, and having a 1st degree relative increases your risk. You should be doing self breast exams and seeing a doctor at least once a year for clinical exams. However, that risk depends on other factors. How old was your mom or aunt at diagnosis? Was the cancer in both breasts, or only one? Are there other cancers in the family? Discuss a screening plan with your doctor.
Answered 7/6/2015
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