A member asked:

I have a lot of gray hair as a 16 year old (almost all of my back side is gray). is that normal? i also never dyed my hair, but i swim frequently.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It can be: Premature gray hair may be related to genetics. Is there someone else in the family with a history of premature graying as well?

Answered 6/11/2013


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Reasons to gray : early.1.Genetics. 2. Age 3. Stressors. The age of initial graying is largely due to genetics. Stressors like nutritional deficiencies, traumatic head injuries, low Vit. B levels, zinc deficiency, severe illness, surgery & marked emotional stress may cause earlier depigmentation in people who are predisposed to gray hair. In general– genetics plays the biggest role.

Answered 11/13/2018



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