A member asked:

Liver cancer stage 4 , lung cancer and spleen cancer with cirrhosis and hep c can i take chemotherapy treatment to reduce tumor maker?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Ly Phan answered

Specializes in General Surgery

Hmmmm: If you'd do have cancer in liver, lung, and spleen, my advice is to talk to your oncologist about how to improve your quality of life rather than improving tumor marker. As you know, chemo agents are not well tolerated in some people.

Answered 3/22/2018


Dr. Craig Carter answered

Specializes in Thoracic Surgery

Why?: You should talk to your oncologist about the goals of chemotherapy in your setting. While therapy may prolong life, the side effects may not be worth it.

Answered 12/11/2013



Maybe: Chemotherapy can be tricky with cirrhosis, but your medical oncologist will be certain to only give you the safest treatment. Lowering tumor markers, though, is not a goal in itself. The goal is to make you feel better and live longer. If you feel fine, but your tumor markers are rising, it may be worth considering doing nothing until you no longer feel fine. All the best, .

Answered 12/30/2013



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