A member asked:

What kind of doctor sees somebody for small bowel obstruction?

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

General Surgeon: The management of a small bowel obstruction can be challenging and requires a surgeon so as to "follow" one's course and decide if surgery is necessary. On the one hand, most obstructions are due to scar tissue from prior surgery and will often get better without surgery; on the other hand, the intestine can die and lead to life-threatening problems. Therefore, we have to watch one very closely.

Answered 4/17/2019


Dr. Eric Kaplan answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Surgeon: Your pcp can make the diagnosis with an exam and xrays or ct scan of abdomen, but treatment is best overseen by a surgeon in case it doesn't resolve with medical therapy and surgery is required.

Answered 10/19/2016



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