Mild stimulant: Prozac (fluoxetine) can have mild stimulant effects which may interfere with your sleep. Increased irritability may also occur. Tell your doctor about these possible side effects of taking prozac (fluoxetine).
Answered 7/5/2015
More data needed: Effexor (venlafaxine) xr works on more neurotransmitters than prozac. Also depending upon the dose of the Effexor (venlafaxine) xr perhaps it was tapered too fast and or the dose of Prozac was not high enough. In either event you need to discuss it with you doc. Often their are other temporary medications that can be taken prn to get you through the switch over phase. Also the time of day that you take the meds is important.
Answered 6/30/2014
NEW MEDICATION?: Not clear as to whether you now are on a new medication or no medication? Also not sure how quickly you did the taper. If off all medications may need something for sleep if this is the primary issue or may need another antidepressant. Also, how high a dose was the Effexor (venlafaxine) and how quick was the taper?
Answered 6/25/2014
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