A member asked:

Pineal mass. have had bad headache, pressure, dizziness for day & a half. used pain prescription, advil (ibuprofen) &ice=no help. what do i do? dr is 2hrs away

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Christopher Wilson answered

Specializes in Sleep Medicine

Call them: I'd call your doctor being they are so far away. Most pineal masses don't cause problems and are simply cysts but your doctor can listen to your symptoms and guide your decision making.

Answered 12/30/2016


Dr. Christopher Wilson answered

Specializes in Sleep Medicine

Call them: I'd call your doctor being they are so far away. Most pineal masses don't cause problems and are simply cysts but your doctor can listen to your symptoms and guide your decision making.

Answered 12/9/2013



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