Several possibilitie: A compulsion to chew ice can be simply a bad habit, an anxious behavior, or the result of a vitamin/mineral deficiency. Try making a journal of the times when you want to do it, what's going on at the time, etc. Look for any patterns that might help you determine the cause. Either way it is important to stop the behavior as it can damage your teeth over time. Short term counseling may help stop.
Answered 6/20/2018
Medical Checkup 1st: Cravings for ice and chewing ice can be a sign of iron deficiency (anemia). Less commonly, they can indicate other nutritional problems. If your primary care doctor rules out or has ruled out these nutritional possibilities, then you might want to consult with a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist to rule out any emotional/psychological conditions.
Answered 6/20/2018
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