A member asked:

Explain the condition called a bowel perforation.?

19 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Matthew Lublin answered

Specializes in Surgery

See Below: A bowel perforation is when a hole is formed or created in the small intestine. When this occurs, bowel contents (such as stool) leak into the abdominal cavity. This is almost always a surgical emergency. A perforation can happen for many reasons. Surgery is generally required to fix the hole and clear the abdomen of infection and stool.

Answered 9/28/2016



See below: A bowel perforation is an emergency, serious condition where the intestines are leaking internally. Usually it is associated with severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fevers. There are many causes of perforation such as stomach ulcer, small bowel injury from scar tissue, perforated appendicitis, perforated diverticulitis, etc. All these are serious and will require emergency surgery.

Answered 3/30/2016



A hole in the bowel: A bowel perforation can occur from a number of causes which would vary depending on the location. Stomach holes may come from ulcers, tumors, or sharp objects. Small intestine holes are much less common and usually only occur from ischemia or gangrene. Colon holes are usually from tumors or diverticulitis. Rectal holes may be from foriegn body insertions. All perfs are emergencies and need er.

Answered 3/27/2014



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