Normal: This is normal. Try a razor if it bothers you.
Answered 5/11/2013
Totally normal: If you don't have other health problems, some extra body hair in awkward places can be totally normal in women. If you also struggle with excess weight, acne and/or menstrual problems, consider seeing a doctor to check for hormone imbalances or pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome). If you can't afford laser, electrolysis or waxing at this point in your life, it is safe to shave while you save.
Answered 5/11/2013
Yes; counseling: We all have hair everywhere on our bodies; it's just not always noticeable. Typically, only scalp, axillary & genital hair is dark & thick; remainder is light & fine. However, some families & ethnicities are prone to more extensive dark hair. Some individuals, especially those w/polycystic ovarian syndrome or excess testosterone might have more hair. Talk to your family doc about this.
Answered 5/11/2013
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