A member asked:

The roof of my mouth and my throat are sore and i have a blister on my gums towards the back. what could it be? i'm not sexually active. worried.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See a dentist: If these symptoms do not go away by themselves in a few days, you should be examined by a dentist--you could find there are ways to give you both reassurance and relief!

Answered 2/18/2015


Dr. Bahman Omrani answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Likely viral : Many viral infections may do this including hsv, which is common. These are usually self-limiting. Some times we find no cause and they still go away on their own. Reaction to certain medications or new foods should be considered. Rarely can this be a herald sign for a more serious underlying or for a systemic infection. See your doctor for a close up exam.

Answered 2/13/2015



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