Go to a dentist: Sometimes the teeth need sosme help from the dentist to be remove, it may be that case. It is better sometimes to have it check than suffering for few days.
Answered 7/23/2015
Dentist evaluation: These situations are always best handled by having a dentist see and evaluate the situation and then give professional advice.
Answered 7/23/2015
Have it checked: Baby teeth can irritate the gums when they loosen just before they fall out. However, a badly infected tooth can feel loose and can damage surrounding teeth, bone, and gums. Please, this needs to be checked by your dentist. Pain is a signal from your body that something is wrong. Pay attention to the signal.
Answered 7/23/2015
Pediatric dentist: Parents should take children to see a pediatric dentist to discover how to begin a “no tears” oral care program in the home.
Answered 10/21/2015
Dentist: Have your mother take your sister to a dentist for an evaluation and treatment, if necessary.
Answered 10/21/2015
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