A member asked:

What are the symptoms of mono?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Fever, fatigue, sore: Also sore throat, one may be fatigued have enlarged lymph nodes and feel generally ill and have a rash. Rarely one can have hepatitis with this. Please get all of the sleep rest and nutrition you can and follow up with your physician.

Answered 11/4/2018


Dr. Geoffrey Rutledge answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

The symptoms of Mono include:: Enlarged liver, Malaise, Fever, Large spleen, Muscle pain, Rash, Swollen neck glands, Enlarged tonsils, Spots on tonsils, Swollen tonsils, Yellow eyes and skin.

Answered 11/4/2018


Dr. Thomas Namey answered

Specializes in Rheumatology

This slide is a good: SUMMARY OF MONO'S FEATURES!

Answered 10/24/2017



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