A member asked:

I am 14 years old, this has happened 3 times before. last night my lip started showing red bumps, and got dry and swollen. i took benedryll but its spreading to my cheeks, chin and nose. its itchy and look kind of like mini pimples. what do i do??

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

I don't consider this to be a trivial perioral dermatitis or acne. Although it could be an allergic reaction, lip swelling,and spreading eruption like yours should be examined ASAP to look for viral or bacterial infection which is involving the danger area if the face. Proceed to the ER where prompt evaluation is available.

Answered 10/1/2023


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Watch for signs of difficulty breathing, swallowing or vomiting. Take a photo of the rash for review during a medical appointment. Some infectious causes may also cause an itchy rash. Allergic reaction is possible, and the rash usually appears in the first hour after exposure to an allergen, but may appear hours later. What occurred prior to the rash -important information. See a physician please.

Answered 10/3/2023



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